Solid Gold......... L - R: Brian Holden, Ron Hall, Leah and Bruce MacFarlane, Nick Anderson.
Solid Gold was formed in 2006 playing retro material not often challenged by other groups. The repetoire covered popular songs from the sixties until now, including covers from The Shadows, Eagles, Carpenters, Fleetwood Mac, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Searchers and the Beatles. In 2012, the band went into recess with Bruce and Leah doing their duo acts, for which they have always been well known. Brian is doing his solo thing and Nick continues to play for many groups when they need a seasoned versatile bassist to fill in.

Eat Streat, ROTORUA

Eat Streat, ROTORUA
Bassist John Petrie - back right - teamed up with Solid Gold, stepping in to do several gigs with the group in the final days.